Personalized training plans and the necessary encouragement will be provided during one-on-one sessions to help you reach your fitness goals.
I focus on the following areas to ensure that you obtain a balanced exercise program:
1. Strength training
A form of exercise that targets strengthening and conditioning of the muscles by working them against external resistance, such as free weights, weight machines, or your own body weight.
Strength training uses a range of exercises and apparatus types to gradually increase the force output of the muscles. It is mainly anaerobic in nature.
Strength exercise can improve bone density, metabolism, the lactate threshold, and the strength of muscles, tendons, and ligaments. Enhance cardiac and joint health, lower injury risk in older people and athletes. Strength training is essential to or is included in the training program for numerous sports and physical activities.

Types of Strength Training:
- For muscle power
Through training, you can become more adept at performing forceful movements quickly. This technique seeks to develop the muscles’ explosive power. Jumping or starting a quick sprint are two examples. To assist people increase their athletic performance, this kind of training is frequently done. Your “fast-twitch muscle fibers” will be activated during this type of exercise, which provide greater power and strength than “slow-twitch muscle fibers,” but will also wear them out far more quickly and prolong the time needed for recuperation.
- For muscle strength
Maximum strength and size, or the capacity to lift or push big weights, are the goals of this sort of training. Bodybuilders and powerlifters both train to produce large, bulky muscles. The larger the muscle fibers, the more force they can generate.
- For muscle hypertrophy
This method is extremely helpful for losing weight because it contributes to a toned appearance and increases the body’s lean muscular mass. It can also aid in preventing the age-related muscle loss that can cause fragility.
- For muscle endurance
The largest and most powerful muscle fibers in your body are called fast-twitch fibers, and the more effort you put into your workout, the more of these fibers you will activate. However, muscle endurance training activates your “slow-twitch muscle fibers,” enabling you to continue performing an exercise, like rowing, for an extended amount of time. For muscular endurance sports, your strength training will concentrate on lower force demands that build up your slow-twitch fibres because your body recruits muscle fibers based on the force demands placed on it.
Muscle Strengthening Activities:
- Lifting weights
- Using body weight
- Using resistance bands
- Using weight machines
Strength Training Methods:
Push-pull training
The way your body moves is described by this kind of training. All the muscles that push, all the muscles that pull, and everything in your lower body may be divided into three main movement plains. Any muscle in the body that is divided in this way is either entirely resting that day or actively working via every movement. When you exercise or when they are not being used, your muscles are in a condition of work. Your workout will be broken up into three separate days, each one focused on a particular muscle area. Your chest, shoulders, and triceps will all be involved in your push days. Your back, biceps, and traps will get a good workout on your pull days. Your entire lower body will be worked during a leg day.
Power lifting training
This kind of strength training is becoming more and more well-liked. Power racks and even powerlifting-focused gyms (like Cross Fit) are widespread. When strength training in this manner, you make larger movements and work more muscles. This category includes exercises like squats, deadlifts, snatches, and power cleans. These exercises make use of every muscle in your body, making them excellent for a full-body workout that will boost your overall strength.
Explosive dynamic training
This is the kind of training that most athletes engage in. These exercises incorporate a good strength training component as well as a significant cardiovascular component to get your heart racing. Box jumps, rope pulls, and lesser weight powerlifting exercises including squats, snatches, and cleans are a few examples of these workouts. While at first glance this might seem similar to powerlifting, the key distinction is that you’ll be moving faster, which enables you to combine your cardio and strength training into one session. You can perform more reps by utilizing lesser weights. You will physically see increases in your muscular endurance as your muscles are shaped and strengthened.
Muscular isolation training
This is a tried-and-true weight training regimen where you just work one or two muscle groups each day. Muscular isolation programs aim to make only one muscle contract during each exercise, in contrast to the majority of conventional workout regimens. Leg extensions, focus curls, and triceps kickbacks are a some of the exercises you’ll perform in this kind of program.
Total body circuit training
This is the standard boot camp-style exercise regimen, such as the P90x and Insanity regimens. With this technique, you can exercise every muscle in your body by using lesser weights in a variety of moves.